Serious hobby classical pianist

The incessant played music in our home from my dad’s classical archive and my brother’s piano practices triggered off an intense passion in me for classical music since childhood. I started music at the age of 5 and the piano at 13 with Ali Ahmadzadeh, continuing piano performance and technique as a minor at college under Dr. Sergey Martinchuck and Fureya Unal’s supervision and music theory with Dr. Brian Klenbach and John Marr. I have been working with Dr. Jeffrey Skyes at Berkeley since 2016.
My current Repetoir in practice (Dec 20 – May 21):
          Bach’s 15 Inventions, BWV 772-796
          Bach’s Prelude and Fugue No.2 in C Minor
          Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13
          Mozart’s Piano Sonata No.8 in a minor KV 310
          Schubert’s Impromptu no 1 in f minor
          Chopin’s Revolutionary Etude Op 10, No. 12
          Debussy’s Arabesque No. 1 in E major